Purpose of Website
What will your site do? Will it simply be an informational site describing your business? Will it be a blog site with the need to control users and/or possibly a forum? If the former, then a simply HTML5 template site will work just fine, especially if you don't plan on changing the content of the pages very often. If you are looking for a blog application with possibly a forum, users, or other dynamic content, then WordPress would be the better alternative. While WordPress is easy to use, it can take a while for some to get familiar with the technology. There is plenty of help available to get over this learning curve quickly, but it will take a little effort.

HTML5 Website
HTML Website contains tags that are used to classify elements in a web page.
This doesn't need a third party media player to handle image and video content, such as Flash Player or WordPress.
Cross-Platform Website, which means it can be used on a smartphone, laptop, or tablet.
Unlike WordPress, you do not need plug-ins to expand the functionality of the website.
Not using plug-ins is that once your website goes live you will not need to install updates, and only need to run backups as content changes are made - which is as little or as often as you want.
You have less of a chance of getting your site hacked.
You need a basic understanding of writing code and adding new content.
There are plenty of ready-to-go templates that can be used to create a good site design, most of them free.
HTML is more suitable for small sites whose pages have simple layouts and don’t necessarily need extra functionalities.
WordPress Website
WordPress is relatively easy to use and has a user-friendly interface.
it is easy to update or add new pages on your site.
For dynamic or constantly-changing content, this works really well.
There are plenty of ready-to-go templates that can be used to create a good site design, most of them free.
WordPress websites can be easily enhanced with plugins. By installing plugins, you can add most functionality to your existing website at little to no extra cost.
Some of these plugins might be adding a contact form, adding a reservation system, or adding a photo gallery.
WordPress is best for larger sites that need to be frequently updated

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